title | description |
Malware |
All the malware you can wish for to reverse engineer. |
All the malware you can wish for to reverse engineer.
!!!danger Danger We are not held responsible for any damages when proceeding to the below resources. Live malware/ransomeware below proceed with caution. Remember, engaging in illegal activities is frowned upon, and compliance with local state laws is your sole responsibility. !!!
- Any.Run - Interactive online malware analysis service for dynamic and static research of most types of threats using any environments.
- Contagio Malware Dump - Password Required. A collection of the latest malware samples, threats, observations, and analyses.
- Cape Sandbox - A malware sandbox derived from Cuckoo and is designed to automate the process of malware analysis with the goal of extracting payloads and configuration from malware.
- Das Malwerk - The daily zip-file aims to serve you a batch of malware ranging from annoying adware to bank trojans and beyond!
- Hatching Triage - A malware sandboxing solution. It leverages a unique architecture, developed with scaling in mind from the start!
- Hybrid Analysis - A free malware analysis service for the community. Using this service you can submit files for in-depth static and dynamic analysis.
- InQuest - A free malware analysis service for the community. Using this service you can submit files for in-depth static and dynamic analysis.
- KernelMode.Info - A forum for reverse engineerin, OS internals and malware analysis.
- Malshare - A free Malware repository providing researchers access to samples, malicious feeds, and Yara results.
- Malware Bazaar - Project operated by abuse.ch. A project to collect and share malware samples.
- Malware Samples - An ongoing and updated archive of files collected which are associated with specific public malicious threat reports
- Malware-DB (theZoo) - theZoo is a project created to make the possibility of malware analysis open and available to the public.
- Objective-See - Mac malware samples collected by the Objective-See team
- Packet Total - Simple, free, high-qualityh PCAP file analysis
- PhishingKitTracker - An extensible and freshly updated collection of phishingkits for forensics and future analysis topped with simple stats
- Polyswarm - Threat Intelligence Marketplace
- SNDBOX - Malware sandbox platform
- SoReL-20M - Sophos-ReversingLabs 20 Million dataset. HUGE dataset.
- URLhaus - Project operated by abuse.ch. A project to collect and share malware samples.
- VirusBay - A web-based, collaboration platform that connects security operations center professionals with relevant malware researchers.
- VirusShare - Because Sharing is Caring
- VirusSign - A huge collection of high quality malware samples
- Virus Samples - Over 150,000+ malicious files, viruses, malware, trojans, executables, scripts, and other forms of malware payloads across a variety of file types and architectures
- VX-Underground - Over 150,000+ malicious files, viruses, malware, trojans, executables, scripts, and other forms of malware payloads across a variety of file types and architectures.
- Yori - Free sandbox-based file analysis service.
- Coldfire - Golang malware development library.
- GonnaCry - A linux ransomware that encrypts all the user files with a strong encryption scheme.
- Neurax - A framework for constructing self-spreading binaries.
- FileScan - Next-Gen Sandbox and free malware analysis service. Operating at 10x speed compared to traditional sandboxes with 90% less resource usage, its unique adaptive threat analysis technology also enables zero-day malware detection and more Indicator of Compromise (IOCs) extraction.
- Hybrid Analysis - A free malware analysis service for the community that detects and analyzes unknown threats using a unique Hybrid Analysis technology.
- ID Ransomware - Upload a ransom note and/or sample encrypted file to identify the ransomware that has encrypted your data.
- Jotti - Free service that lets you scan suspicious files with several anti-virus programs.
- Kaspersky Threat Portal - Сheck any suspicious threat indicator, whether it is a file, file hash, IP address or web address.
- Malcore - An advanced sandbox solution that is designed with speed and scalability in mind. Most leading sandbox solutions can take multiple minutes to perform analysis on a single file, Malcore solves this problem by taking seconds where it takes minutes.
- Opswat - Simply submit suspicious files to MetaDefender Cloud for analysis.
- VirusTotal - Analyze suspicious files and URLs to detect types of malware, automatically share them with the security community.