Releases: Alfresco/alfresco-transform-core
Changes since 3.0.0 include:
ACS-3695 - Fix OOXML Schemas compatibility
ACS-4454 Migrating to GH Actions
ACS-4460 Provide mTLS for spring-boot based Transform Service applications
ATS-996 TIFF to PDF - invalid output format
MNT-23047 Extract image metadata when using Exiftool on a Windows OS
Bump alfresco-base-java from jre17-rockylinux8-202207110835 to jre17-rockylinux8-202209261621
Bump snakeyaml from 1.33 to 2.0
Bump dependency.jackson.version from 2.13 to 2.15
Bump jackson-databind from 2.13 to 2.15
Bump spring-boot-starter-parent from 2.7.4 to 2.7.11
For quick summary of current external transformer versions (LibreOffice, ImageMagick ExifTool Alfresco PdfRenderer), see:
For detailed changes, see also:
What's Changed
- ACS-3476: Re-adding a getAdditional method by @mstrankowski in #676
- fix/vercode-CVE-2022-42003 by @kmagdziarz in #687
- MNT-23047: exifTool command defined as properties and dependant of ru… by @vrmoreira in #655
- ACS-3695 - Fix OOXML Schemas compatibility by @mikolajbrzezinski in #691
- ATS-995, MNT-23248: TIFF to PDF ImageMagick transform don't work by @krdabrowski in #703
- ACS-4454 Migrating to GH Actions by @mikolajbrzezinski in #727
Bump alfresco/alfresco-base-java from jre17-rockylinux8-202207110835 to jre17-rockylinux8-202209261621 in /engines/imagemagick by @dependabot in #679
Bump alfresco/alfresco-base-java from jre17-rockylinux8-202207110835 to jre17-rockylinux8-202209261621 in /engines/pdfrenderer by @dependabot in #680
Bump alfresco/alfresco-base-java from jre17-rockylinux8-202207110835 to jre17-rockylinux8-202209261621 in /engines/misc by @dependabot in #681
Bump alfresco/alfresco-base-java from jre17-rockylinux8-202207110835 to jre17-rockylinux8-202209261621 in /engines/libreoffice by @dependabot in #682
Bump alfresco/alfresco-base-java from jre17-rockylinux8-202207110835 to jre17-rockylinux8-202209261621 in /engines/tika by @dependabot in #683
Bump alfresco/alfresco-base-java from jre17-rockylinux8-202207110835 to jre17-rockylinux8-202209261621 in /engines/aio by @dependabot in #684
Full Changelog: 3.0.0-A1...3.0.1-A1
Changes since 2.6.0 include:
HXENG-64 Simpler t-engine base, refactor project structure and model packages (see
ACS-3434 [libgs Removal]
ACS-2556 [Bump Apache POI, Apache Tika, and PDFBox]
ACS-3118 [Check the size of intermittent results in a pipeline]
ACS-3307 [Upgrade ActiveMQ to 5.17.1]
ACS-3350 [Upgrade to Java 17]
OPSEXP-1605 [Need ImageMagick RPM packages for RockyLinux]
ACS-3322 [Upgrade base Images to Rocky Linux 8]
Bump activemq-client from 5.16.4 to 5.17.1
Bump alfresco-jodconverter-core from to
Bump dependency.cxf.version from 3.5.2 to 3.5.3
Bump dependency.jackson.version from 2.13.2 to 2.13.3
Bump docker-maven-plugin from 0.39.1 to 0.40.2
Bump jackson-databind from to 2.13.3
Bump joda-time from 2.10.14 to 2.11.0
Bump jsoup from 1.14.3 to 1.15.3
Bump junrar from 7.5.0 to 7.5.3
Bump maven-artifact from 3.8.5 to 3.8.6
Bump spring-boot-starter-parent from 2.6.6 to 2.7.3
Bump snakeyaml from 1.30 to 1.32
For quick summary of current external transformer versions (LibreOffice, ImageMagick ExifTool Alfresco PdfRenderer), see:
For detailed changes, see also:
Changes since 2.6.0 include:
HXENG-64 Simpler t-engine base, refactor project structure and model packages (see
ACS-3434 [libgs Removal]
ACS-2556 [Bump Apache POI, Apache Tika, and PDFBox]
ACS-3118 [Check the size of intermittent results in a pipeline]
ACS-3307 [Upgrade ActiveMQ to 5.17.1]
ACS-3350 [Upgrade to Java 17]
OPSEXP-1605 [Need ImageMagick RPM packages for RockyLinux]
ACS-3322 [Upgrade base Images to Rocky Linux 8]
Bump activemq-client from 5.16.4 to 5.17.1
Bump alfresco-jodconverter-core from to
Bump dependency.cxf.version from 3.5.2 to 3.5.3
Bump dependency.jackson.version from 2.13.2 to 2.13.3
Bump docker-maven-plugin from 0.39.1 to 0.40.2
Bump jackson-databind from to 2.13.3
Bump joda-time from 2.10.14 to 2.11.0
Bump jsoup from 1.14.3 to 1.15.3
Bump junrar from 7.5.0 to 7.5.3
Bump maven-artifact from 3.8.5 to 3.8.6
Bump spring-boot-starter-parent from 2.6.6 to 2.7.3
Bump snakeyaml from 1.30 to 1.31
For quick summary of current external transformer versions (LibreOffice, ImageMagick ExifTool Alfresco PdfRenderer), see:
For detailed changes, see also:
This tag was created for internal use only. Please ignore.
This tag was created for internal use only. Please ignore.
This tag was created for internal use only. Please ignore.
This tag was created for internal use only. Please ignore.
This tag was created for internal use only. Please ignore.
Changes since 2.6.0 include:
ACS-3434 [libgs Removal]
ACS-2556 [Bump Apache POI, Apache Tika, and PDFBox]
ACS-3118 [Check the size of intermittent results in a pipeline]
ACS-3307 [Upgrade ActiveMQ to 5.17.1]
ACS-3350 [Upgrade to Java 17]
OPSEXP-1605 [Need ImageMagick RPM packages for RockyLinux]
ACS-3322 [Upgrade base Images to Rocky Linux 8]
Bump activemq-client from 5.16.4 to 5.17.1
Bump alfresco-jodconverter-core from to
Bump dependency.cxf.version from 3.5.2 to 3.5.3
Bump dependency.jackson.version from 2.13.2 to 2.13.3
Bump docker-maven-plugin from 0.39.1 to 0.40.2
Bump jackson-databind from to 2.13.3
Bump joda-time from 2.10.14 to 2.11.0
Bump jsoup from 1.14.3 to 1.15.3
Bump junrar from 7.5.0 to 7.5.3
Bump maven-artifact from 3.8.5 to 3.8.6
Bump spring-boot-starter-parent from 2.6.6 to 2.7.3
For quick summary of current external transformer versions (LibreOffice, ImageMagick ExifTool Alfresco PdfRenderer), see:
For detailed changes, see also: