A widget for netlify-cms to dropdown select from a file collection instead of a folder collection.
⚠ Unstable: Under active development
npm i @ncwidgets/file-relation
Please check your netlify-cms-app
@ncwidgets/[email protected]
is only compatible with netlify-cms-app
version 2.9.7
and below.
Use @ncwidgets/file-relation^0.5.2
for netlify-cms-app^2.11.32
In the demo below, the categories
field is loaded from a file collection.
import cms from 'netlify-cms-app'
import { Widget as FileRelationWidget } from '@ncwidgets/file-relation'
How to Use
- label: Posts
label_singular: Post
name: posts
folder: _posts
create: true
- label: Categories
name: cats
# Default widget name
widget: ncw-file-relation
# Collection name
collection: setting
# The name of the file in that collection
file: categories
# The field that is a list
target_field: categories
# The field that will be used to store data
# Only applicable to list with multi fields
id_field: id
# <Optional> The field that will be used to show as options
# - Only applicable to list with multi fields
# - If not specified, id_field will be used as label
display_fields: name # or an array of fields: ["name", "desc"]
# <Optional> Compose a label from a string template
# - If specified, will disable display_fields
display_summary: "{{name}} | {{desc}}"
# <Optional> Allow multiple selection
multiple: true
The above configuration will target the following file collection:
- label: Setting
name: setting # <---- 'collection'
- label: Categories
name: categories # <---- 'file'
file: _data/_cats.json
- label: Categories
name: categories # <---- 'target_field'
widget: list
allow_add: true
- label: Name
name: name # <--- 'display_fields'
widget: string
- label: Description
name: desc
widget: text
- label: ID
name: id # <---- 'id_field'
widget: ncw-id
prefix: cats
Say you have the following data in your file collection:
"categories": [{
"name": "Cat",
"desc": "Cats are cool",
"id": "cats-GQnCNUpF2"
}, {
"name": "Dog",
"desc": "Dogs are alright",
"id": "cats-S_Aev5Ts-B"
}, {
"name": "Hippo",
"desc": "Hippo is love",
"id": "cats-1wpAUDyA-W"
The data will be stored in the post as follow:
"title": "Hej världen!",
"id": "post-HahELOG49",
"categories": [{
"value": "cats-GQnCNUpF2",
"label": "Cat"
}, {
"value": "cats-S_Aev5Ts-B",
"label": "Dog"
Read more about configuration options on netlifyCMS.
Found a bug or a missing feature? Please feel free to send over a PR, or open an issue with the bug
or enhancement