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This branch is 594 commits behind google/trillian-examples:master.


Auditor / Cloner for SumDB

This directory contains tools for verifiably creating a local copy of the Go SumDB into a local SQLite database.

  • cli/clone is a one-shot tool to clone the Log at its current size
  • cli/mirror is a service which continually clones the Log
  • cli/witness is an HTTP service that uses a local clone of the Log to provide checkpoint validation for other clients. This is a very lightweight way of providing some Gossip solution to detect split views.


This is a quick summary of but is not intended to replace this introduction. If you have no context on Go SumDB, read that intro first :-)

Go SumDB is a Verifiable Log based on Trillian, which contains entries of the form: v1.3.11 h1:pPzJPkK06mvXId1LHEAJxIegGgHzzp/FUnycPYfoCMI= v1.3.11/go.mod h1:0tPraVHrSDkA3BO6vKX67zgLXs6SsOAbHEivX+9mPgw=

Every module & version used in the Go ecosystem will have such an entry in this log, and the values are hashes which commit to the state of the repository and its go.mod file at that particular version.

Clients can be assured that they have downloaded the same version of a module as everybody else provided all of the following are true:

  • The hash of what they have downloaded matches an entry in the SumDB Log
  • There is only one entry in the Log for the module@version
  • Entries in the Log are immutable / the Log is append-only
  • Everyone else sees the same Log


This auditor provides an example for how Log data can be verifiably cloned, and demonstrates how this can be used as a basis to verify its Claims. The Claims checked by this clone & audit tool are:

  • SumDB Checkpoints/STHs properly commit to all of the data in the Log
  • Committed entries are never modified; the Log is append-only
  • Each module@version appears at most once

In addition to verifying the above Claims, the tool populates a SQLite database with the following tables:

  • leaves: raw entries from the Log
  • tiles: tiled subtrees of the Merkle Tree
  • checkpoints: a history of Log Checkpoints (aka STHs) that have been seen
  • leafMetadata: parsed data from the leaves table

This tool does not check any of the following:

  • Everyone else sees the same Log: this requires some kind of Gossip protocol for clients and verifiers to share Checkpoints
  • That the hashes in the log represent the current state of the repository (the repository could have changed its git tags such that the hashes no longer match, but this is not verified)
  • That any module@version is "safe" (i.e. no checking for CVEs, etc)

Running clone

The following command will download all entries and store them in the database file provided:

go run -sqlite_file ~/sum.db -alsologtostderr -v=2

This will take some time to complete on the first run. Latency and bandwidth between the auditor and SumDB will be a large factor, but for illustrative purposes this completes in around 4 minutes on a workstation with a good wired connection, and in around 10 minutes on a Raspberry Pi connected over WiFi. Your mileage may vary. At the time of this commit, SumDB contained a little over 1.5M entries which results in a SQLite file of around 650MB.

Setting up a mirror service

These instructions show how to set up a mirror service to run on a Raspberry Pi running a recent version of Raspbian.

🐸 this would be more useful with a client/server database instead of sqlite!


# Build the mirror and install it where it can be executed
go build ./sumdbaudit/cli/mirror
sudo mv mirror /usr/local/bin/sumdbmirror

# Create a user to run the service that has no login
sudo useradd -M sumdb
sudo usermod -L -s /bin/false sumdb

# Create a directory to store the sqlite database
sudo mkdir /var/cache/sumdb
sudo chown sumdb.sumdb /var/cache/sumdb

Define the service by creating the file /etc/systemd/system/sumdbmirror.service with contents:

Description=Go SumDB Mirror
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/sumdbmirror -sqlite_file /var/cache/sumdb/mirror.db -alsologtostderr -v=1


Start the service and check its progress:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start sumdbmirror

# Follow the latest log messages
journalctl -u sumdbmirror -f

When the mirror service is sleeping, you will be able to query the local database at /var/cache/sumdb/mirror.db using the example queries in the next section. At the time of writing this setup uses almost 600MB of storage for the database.

If you want to have the leafMetadata table populated then you can add an extra argument to the service definition. In the ExecStart line above, add -unpack and then restart the sumdbmirror service (sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl restart sumdbmirror). When it next updates tiles this table will be populated. This will use more CPU and around 60% more disk.

Setting up a witness service

This requires a local clone of the SumDB Log to be available. For this to be of any real value, it should be running against a database which is regularly being updated by the mirror service described above.

⚠️ The witness is missing features (outlined below) in order to be used in an untrusted environment. This witness implementation is useful only in a trusted domain where the correct operation of the witness is implicit. This precludes being run as a general service on the Web, but is still useful within a household or organization.

A client which successfully checks its checkpoints with a witness can ensure that if there is a "split view" of the SumDB Log, then it is on the same side of the split as the witness. If this witness is also verifying the claims of the log, then the client is safe in relying on the data within (providing it trusts the verifer!).

The service can be started with the command (assuming ~/sum.db is the database):

go run ./sumdbaudit/cli/witness -listen :8080 -sqlite_file ~/sum.db -v=1 -alsologtostderr

This can be set up as a Linux service in much the same way as the mirror above.

Once running, the server will be available for GET requests at the listen address given as a commandline parameter.

Some example requests that can be made:

# Simply get the latest golden checkpoint
curl -i http://localhost:8080/golden

# Validate that the witness is consistent with the Checkpoint your go build tools are using
curl -i http://localhost:8080/checkConsistency/`base64 -i ~/go/pkg/sumdb/`

# Validate that the witness is consistent with the latest Checkpoint from the real Log
curl -i http://localhost:8080/checkConsistency/`curl | base64`

Using Docker

The witness can be started along with the mirror using docker-compose. The following command will mirror the log and provide a witness on port 8080 when the initial sync completes:

docker-compose -f sumdbaudit/docker/docker-compose.yml up -d

If using a Raspberry Pi, the above command will fail because no suitable MariaDB image can be installed. Instead, use this command to install an image that works:

docker-compose -f sumdbaudit/docker/docker-compose.yml -f sumdbaudit/docker/docker-compose.rpi.yml up -d

Using a client/server database

The instructions above are for setting this up using sqlite with its storage on the local filesystem. To set this up using MariaDB, the database can be provisioned by logging into the instance as root user and running the following:

CREATE USER 'sumdb'@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'letmein';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON sumdb.* TO 'sumdb'@localhost;

Once set up, change the sqlite_file flag above for mysql_uri with a connection string like 'sumdb:letmein@tcp('.

Querying the database

The number of leaves downloaded can be queried:

sqlite3 ~/sum.db 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM leaves;'

And the tile hashes at different levels inspected:

sqlite3 ~/sum.db 'SELECT level, COUNT(*) FROM tiles GROUP BY level;'

The modules with the most versions:

sqlite3 ~/sum.db 'SELECT module, COUNT(*) cnt FROM leafMetadata GROUP BY module ORDER BY cnt DESC LIMIT 10;'

Missing Features

  • This only downloads complete tiles, which means that at any point there could be up to 2^height leaves missing from the database. These stragglers should be stored if the root hash checks out.
  • Witness should return detailed responses
    • In the event of an inconsistency, both Checkpoints notes should be serialized and returned
    • Consistency should return a proof that the tree is consistent with the witnesses Golden Checkpoint