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ACS AEM Commons 6.0.0 Planning

pahupe edited this page Nov 28, 2021 · 23 revisions

ACS Commons is problematic for use on AEM as a Cloud Service as it contains code that, while may not be used/usable/enable-able on AEM as a Cloud Service, it still exists in the code base and Cloud Manager flags it as problematic. Some of this code has no migration path to being supported in AEM as a Cloud Service, without change to the product itself - which is unlikely.

In ACS Commons 6.0 it would be good to create two release variants, one that contains clean AEM as a Cloud Service code (passes Cloud Manager checks, and as much as reasonable aligns with best practices) and another that contains the "classic" features that still work on AEM 6.x.

Artifact Classifier AEM CS compat AEM 6.x compat Rename? Artifact description
content None Yes Yes content -> all Deployment package for AEM CS
content classic No Yes content -> all Deployment package for AEM 6.x
bundle None Yes Yes bundle -> core Java bundle, also used as dep for APIs
bundle classic No Yes bundle -> core Java bundle, also used as dep for APIs


This table lists features, and which artifact set they will reside in (AEM CS vs Classic vs Removed entirely)

As this is a still in planning, expect this table to be frequently updated / changed.

Features to be Classic-only (AEM 6.x), and not in AEM as a Cloud

Feature Area/Domain Reason, additional comments
Bulk Workflow Manager v2 Workflow Incompatible with CS; included features may be valuable (Workflow Package Manager API)
Dispatcher Flush UI Caching Incompatible with CS
Ensure Oak Index Search Incompatible with CS; included functionality may still be valuable (ExplainScoreServlet)
File Fetcher #tbd Incompatible with CS
Health Checks Health Checks Incompatible with CS
JSON Event Logger Logging Incompatible with CS
MCP - Refresh Folder Thumbnails Processes Incompatible with CS's asset handling
MCP - Tree Replication Processes Incompatible with CS's asset handling
MCP Tools - MCP Asset Ingestion Tools Processes Incompatible with CS's asset handling
MCP Tools - Refresh Asset Folder Thumbnails Processes Incompatible with CS's asset handling
On-Deploy Scripts Deployment Incompatible with CS; what is the official replacement in CS?
Redirect Map Manager Redirect Incompatible with CS; don't confuse with Redirect Manager
Remote Assets Asset Incompatible with CS
Sitemap Generator SEO Core Components now have a Sitemap Generator (since 2.17.6); should this be removed or left in Classic?
Syslog Integration Log Distribution Incompatible with CS
Versioned Clientlibs Caching Incompatible with CS
WCM Components - Audio component Components Incompatible with CS
Workflow Processes - Brand Portal Sync Workflows Incompatible with CS
Workflow Processes - Rendition Matter Workflows Incompatible with CS
Workflow Processes - Rendition Watermarker Workflows Incompatible with CS

Features to be Cloud-only (AEM as a Cloud), not in AEM 6.x

Feature Area/Domain Reason, additional comments

Features to be shared by Classic (AEM 6.x) and Cloud

Feature Area/Domain Reason, additional comments
AEM Environment Indicator Authoring
Audit Log Search Auditing, Security AEMaaCS version should come with a CS compatible index definition
Dispatcher TTL Caching
Sling Model Injectors Sling Model Extension

Features to be removed completely in release 6 (deprecated, replaced by product, ...)

Feature Area/Domain Reason, additional comments
Ensure Authorizable Service User Creation Replaced by Sling Repo Init
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