This is a simple text animation using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. When you run the code, you will see the text "I love" and then a looping animation where three different words ("marketing", "growth", and "web3") appear one letter at a time next to the "I love" text. The animation will continue looping through the three words indefinitely.
The loop function is the main function responsible for the animation. It uses setTimeout to create a delay between each step of the animation. The first if statement checks if we have reached the end of the array of words. If we have, it resets the wordIndex and letterIndex variables and calls the loop function again to start over. If we haven't reached the end of the array, the second if statement checks if we have finished displaying all the letters in the current word. If we haven't, it calls the createLetter function to display the next letter in the word. If we have finished displaying all the letters in the current word, the third if statement increments the wordIndex variable and resets the letterIndex variable to 0. It then uses setTimeout to call the loop function again after a delay of 1.2 seconds.
The createLetter function is called by the loop function to display the next letter in the current word. It creates a new span element, sets its textContent to the next letter in the word, appends it to the target element, and then uses setTimeout to remove the span element after a delay of 1.2 seconds.
Overall, this code provides a simple example of how to create a text animation using basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.