Date | Intern Continuing Education | Topics |
Dec 1 | Session 1 - WK29 | NO CLASS - INTERNSHIPS START |
Dec 8 | Session 2 - WK30 | Internship Check-in, Culture Shock, Gallup Strenghtsfinder Test, Code Review Intro |
Dec 15 | Session 3 - WK31 | Working to your Strengths Workshop with Moz |
Jan 5 | Session 4 - WK34 | Andrew G Lecture on Programming Languages |
Jan 12 | Session 5 - WK35 | @ HOME SESSION- 3 hours of Code Reviewing |
Jan 19 | Session 6 - WK36 | Password and Security Lecture with Charles + Code Reviewing |
Jan 26 | Session 7 - WK37 | Career Path Lecture with C4 and Urmila + Work+Life Integration/Balance In Tech |
Feb 2 | Session 8 - WK38 | Intro Salary Conversation with Aubrey |
Feb 9 | Session 9 - WK39 | Resume Workshop |
Feb 16 | Session 10 - WK40 | 8 Student for Mock Interviews/ 16 Students are off |
Feb 23 | Session 11 - WK41 | Resume Workshop |
Mar 1 | Session 12 - WK42 | 8 Students for Mock Interviews/ 16 Students are off |
Mar 8 | Session 13 - WK43 | 8 Students for Mock Interviews/ Lightning Talks about Internships with C4, In-class Code Review, Capstone Help |
Mar 15 | Session 14 - WK44 | Salary Worth/ Negotiation |
Mar 22 | Session 15 - WK45 | Off-- SPRING BREAK |
Mar 29 | Session 16 - WK46 | At Home Code Review |
Apr 5 | Session 17 - WK47 | Dan UNIX Lecture |
Apr 12 | Session 18 - WK48 | Wine & Cheese party & Graduation Planning @ MOz |
Apr 19 | Session 19 - WK49 | Tentative Code Reviewing if needed |
Apr 29 | WK 51 | Graduation |
- No class
- 1:00 - 1:30 - Checkin
- 1:30 - 2:30 - Gallup StrengthsFinder
- 2:30 - 3:30 - Cynthia, Cutlture Shock
- 3:30 - 5:00 - Charles, Code Review Intro
- 1:00- 2:15 - Lunch sponsored by Skytap
- 2:15- 5:00 - Gallup StrengthsFinder Workshop
- 1:00 - 3:00 - Andrew G Lecture on Programming Languages
- 3:00- 5:00 - Code Reviewing
- 3 hours of code reviewing at home due by Jan 14th. Please email Alexandra when complete. This is being tracked.
- 1:00 - 2:00 Password and Security Lecture with Charles
- 2:00 - 5:00 Code Reviewing and helping C4
- 1:00- 1:30 - Check-In with Alexandra: Interview Coaching Sign Up. Resume Workshop.
- 1:30- 3:30 - Career Path Lecture with Urmilla
- 3:30- 5:00 - Work+Life Integration/Balance In Tech
- 1:00 - 3:00 - Intro to Salary conversation with Aubrey
- 3:00 - 3:30 - Check in with Alexandra
- 3:00 - 5:00 - Code Reviewing and helping C4
- 1:00- 3:00 - Resume Workshop with Annie
- 3:00 - 4:00 - Check in with Alexandra:
- 3:00 - 5:00- Code Reviewing and helping C4
- 1:00- 5:00 - 8 Students @ AdaHQ for Mock interviewing with coaches
- *if you are one of the 8 in this week please arrive at 1:00 and plan to stay till 5:00. You will be code reviewing when you are not interviewing.
- 1:00 - 5:00 - 1:1 Resume Review with Annie. Code Reviewing
- 1:00- 5:00 - 8 Students @ AdaHQ for Mock interviewing with coaches
- *if you are one of the 8 in this week please arrive at 1:00 and plan to stay till 5:00. You will be code reviewing when you are not interviewing.
- 1:00-5:00 - 8 Students will be conducting 50 minute mock interviews
- 1:00- 3:00 - Panel and Small Group Discussions With C4
- 3:00-3:30 - Check-in with Alexandra
- 3:30- 5:00 Code Reviewing and helping C4 with Capstones
- 1:00- 2:30- Salary Worth and Negotation Panel
- 3:00- 4:00- Check in with Alexandra
- 4:00- 5:00- Code Reviewing
-- Spring Break WooHoo
-- 1:00- 5:00-- At home code review
- 1:00- 5:00-- Wine and cheese graduation planning party