To learn how to install and configure OpenCue, see our Getting Started guide.
- 953273c Update hostname resolution code to support Windows. (#739)
- 6d4300d Maintain CueJobMonitorTree selection after update. (#780)
- c3ad632 Fixes to Redirect GUI. (#783)
- 73e3606 Make job archive cutoff a config setting. (#777)
- babaa38 Fix JobMonitorTree middle-click copy. (#782)
- f0a596d Make tree headers movable and save user ordering. (#822)
- b7cbfb2 Fixed bug which caused filter ordering to change. (#820)
- e301ef8 Added missing dropDepends method to the Python API. (#819)
- 4e09df0 Add setCheckpointState method to the Python API. (#817)
- 4d8451a Avoid calling time.time() for every row when sorting TreeWidgets. (#814)
- 3b04eda Fix bug in dropEvent which was improperly calling reparentGroupIds. (#813)
- 2c7cf0d Fix window icon path and update icon. (#812)
- e18084e Replace simplejson dependency with standard json library. (#823)
- 068d0e3 Enable -Werror for main and test code. (#827)
- 4366d86 Add progressbar to layers panel. (#829)