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Vim Pairs Basic

This is a very basic implementation of auto-pairing of brackets and quotations for vim/neovim. A small tutorial video can be seen here.


Through VimPlug

  • Copy and paste the following line in your vim plug config:
Plug 'AbeerVaishnav13/vim-pairs-basic'


  1. Download the files in .zip format and unzip the contents.
  2. Copy the plugin/autopair.vim file in your vim/neovim config directory.
  3. Copy and paste this line in your .vimrc or init.vim:
source /path/to/vim/config/directory/autopair.vim

Characters for Pair support

The following characters are supported for pair completion using vim-pairs-basic plugin:
(, {, [, <, ', ", and `


Single-line pairs

  • Insert in pair
input: []
output: [|]

input: ""
output: "|"
  • Insert with ; or ,
input: (;
output: (|);

input: ";
output: "|";

input: (,
output: (|),

input: ",
output: "|",

Multi-line pairs

  • Multi line brackets (the corresponding pair is displayed after pressing <Enter> key)
input: {<Enter>
output: {
  • Multi line brackets and quotations with ; or ,
input: {;<Enter>
output: {

input: [,<Enter>
output: [

input: `;<Enter>
output: `

input: ```<Enter>
output: ```

Replace Surrounding pairs

Usage pattern rs<existing><change-to>
  • Example for quotations - rs'" has the following effect:
input text: 'Hello'
output text: "Hello"
  • Example for brackets - rs({ has the following effect:
input text: (2 + 3)
output text: {2 + 3}
  • Example for quotation and bracket mixed - rs'< has the following effect:
input text: 'html'
output text: <html>

Surround text with pairs

  1. Visually select the text you want to surround with any of the supported pairs.
  2. Press as<pair-char> for surrounding the selected text with them.
  • Input text

Input text

  • Visual selection

Visual selected text

  • Pressing the as{ key-combination for surrounding selected text with {.}

Surrounded text

Delete Surrounding pairs

  1. Place the cursor within the pair that you want to delete
  2. Use the ds<pair-char> command to delete the surrounding bracket/quote pairs.
  • After typing the ds{ command, with the cursor inside{.}:
input text: {Hello World}, you're using vim-pairs-basic.
output text: Hello World, you're using vim-pairs-basic.