Computed values automatically update when their dependencies change. They provide a way to derive state from other reactive values, supporting both synchronous and asynchronous computations.
import { reflex, computed } '@2toad/reflex';
// Create base reactive values
const width = reflex({ initialValue: 5 });
const height = reflex({ initialValue: 10 });
// Create a computed value
const area = computed(
[width, height],
([w, h]) => w * h
// Subscribe to the computed value
area.subscribe(value => console.log('Area:', value)); // Logs: Area: 50
// Update a dependency
width.setValue(6); // Logs: Area: 60
// Create an async computed value
const userProfile = computed(
async ([id]) => {
const data = await fetchUserProfile(id);
return data;
// Subscribe to async updates
userProfile.subscribe(profile => {
console.log('Profile updated:', profile);
// Update triggers async recomputation
const username = reflex({ initialValue: '' });
const password = reflex({ initialValue: '' });
const isValid = computed(
[username, password],
([u, p]) => u.length >= 3 && p.length >= 8
isValid.subscribe(valid => {
submitButton.disabled = !valid;
const username = reflex({ initialValue: '' });
const isAvailable = computed(
async ([name]) => {
if (name.length < 3) return false;
const result = await checkUsernameAvailability(name);
return result.available;
isAvailable.subscribe(available => {
available ? '' : 'Username already taken'
const items = reflex({ initialValue: [] });
const region = reflex({ initialValue: 'US' });
const total = computed(
[items, region],
async ([cartItems, userRegion]) => {
const subtotal = cartItems.reduce((sum, item) => sum + item.price, 0);
const taxRate = await fetchTaxRate(userRegion);
return subtotal * (1 + taxRate);
total.subscribe(finalTotal => {
if (finalTotal > 100) {
The system automatically manages subscriptions and cleanup for both sync and async computed values:
// Computed values clean up when all subscribers unsubscribe
const computed = computed([dependency], async ([value]) => {
const result = await processValue(value);
return result * 2;
const unsub = computed.subscribe(value => console.log(value));
// Later...
unsub(); // Automatically cleans up subscription to dependency
Computed values support both sync and async batch operations:
// Sync computed with sync batch
const doubled = computed([value], ([v]) => v * 2);
const result = doubled.batch(v => someCalculation(v));
// Async computed with async batch
const profile = computed([userId], async ([id]) => fetchProfile(id));
const result = await profile.batchAsync(async p => {
const extra = await fetchExtraData(;
return { ...p, ...extra };
Choose the Right Type: Use sync computed values for simple calculations and async ones for operations involving promises or API calls.
Error Handling: Both sync and async computed values handle errors gracefully and prevent error propagation.
Dependencies: Keep computed value dependencies minimal and consider the cost of recomputation, especially for async operations.
Pure Functions: The compute function should be pure - it should only depend on its input values and not have side effects.
Type Safety: Take advantage of TypeScript's type inference for better IDE support and catch errors early.
- Sync computed values are more efficient for simple calculations
- Async computed values automatically debounce rapid dependency changes
- Use appropriate equality functions to prevent unnecessary recomputations
Middleware: Computed values don't support middleware - use the compute function for transformations.